Friday, December 08, 2006

Witnessing an execution; a wish for peace!

I am with a group of people, friends, and casual acquaintences. They are all people I care about, nice people, engaged friendly people. A sharp shooter steps up, takes aim, and kills one of my friends. I wake in a sweat, relieved it was "just a dream" or nightmare, a real dream, this morning. In some parts of the world, people, their friends, their relatives are killed regularly, by war, by genocide, and for them, it's like a nightmare, only real. Horrifyingly real.

I would like to join with Peter and other people supporting the idea of 2 minutes of peace at 8 PM on December 30, 2006. For more information, click here. Of course, I'd like more peace. Lots more.

Consider Peace. Consider the Alternative.


Peter said...

Indeed, the idea of PEACE has always less about the I and more about the WE in this world.

Cast a small stone into the water...
and perhaps one day...
a powerful wave will splash itself upon another distant shore.

Dear Mary...before you started helping me with this were already moving the world one step closer to PEACE.

Stay Gold!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Thanks so much, Peter! Thank you for your kind comments. I have always been interested in peace! I marched. I worked, I wrote poetry, I did art. Sometimes I feel discouraged, but I can't let it go. It's so important.