Monday, January 28, 2008

080128 free bird, weighing

080128 free bird, weighing

1)Rocky the cockateil is flying free and I am so happy.  He is free in the new house I purchased, which is full of boxes.  (It is a house like the green one I wanted to buy, maybe the same one, maybe not.)  I love the fact that Rocky can fly free and be him or her self.

2)Keith and I are on a trip.  We stop at a roadside pull over where there are very fancy bathrooms on wheels.  Before we start out to do what we are doing next, Keith says he wants to use the restroom and get weighed.  I hadn't thought of that, but I decide to do it too, and I go in, use the bathroom, undress, and weigh myself.  For some reason, I leave the bathroom naked with with all my clothes and belongings inside and someone else goes in and I can't leave to rejoin Keith until I get dressed.  I've forgotten what I weighed and want to reweigh myself first.  It starts turning into an upsetting ordeal because a woman with children is in where my clothes are and I can't get them because it is taking them so long.

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